Learn and Grow : Memahami Perpajakan dari Sisi Akuntansi - Quiz Section -

QUIZ from Accounting Study Club Goes To Narotama University
w/ IAI Muda Jawa Timur
by Lintang Venusita, S.E., M.Si., Ak.

Bambang’s main salary is Rp 2,000,000,-
Rp 50,000,- must be paid for pension contribution by himself
The company will pay it Rp 100,000,-
He is included by The Company for Insurances
*Life Insurance                      0,5%
*Accident Insurance             0,3%
*Old-age Allowance               3,7% (+ 2% must be paid by himself)
His Tax in this month is Rp 19,758

The Question is How the journal would be...

The Answer is ... 
First, we must count insurances one by one~
*Life Insurance                      0,5% x Rp 2,000,000,-                      = Rp 10,000,-
*Accident Insurance             0,3% x Rp 2,000,000,-                      = Rp   6,000,-
*Old-age Allowance               3,7%  = The company will pay        = Rp 74,000,-
                                                +2% =  Bambang will pay               = Rp 40,000,-

The journal will be like this~
Salary Expense

Rp 2,000,000,-

Life Insurance Expense

Rp      10,000,-

AccidentInsurance Expense

Rp         6,000,-

Old-age Allowance Expense

Rp       74,000,-

Pension Expense

Rp     100,000,-

Tax Liability

Rp    19,758,-

Life Insurance Liability

Rp    10,000,-

AccidentInsurance Liability

Rp      6,000,-

Old-age Allowance Liability

Rp  150,000,-

Pension Liability

Rp   114,000,-


Rp 1,890,242,-

So, that’s all for the quiz…
Thank you~ If you have any question or opinion about this, please comment below!
We will discuss it~

Translated by @nandalarasati9 ~


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